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opening line

opening line
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the first line of a piece of writing (as a newspaper story)



    1. Member States shall give the Commission prior notice of the opening of any high-speed line and of the line's technical characteristics.
    2. They shall consequently seal the lorries or other means of transport in such a way as to prevent any opening of the consignment until it crosses the line.
    3. The Finnish authorities believe that the structure of Tieliikelaitos’ opening balance sheet was created in line with the balance sheets of private undertakings in the sector.
    4. With regard to the opening of the Hungarian electricity market, Hungary takes the view that it was successful (i.e. in line with the European average) in terms of the number of consumers switching to the free market.
    5. Member States may issue an authorisation to construct a direct line subject either to the refusal of system access on the basis of Article 35 or to the opening of a dispute-settlement procedure under Article 41.
    6. The comments submitted by ish (ish NRW GmbH), the main cable network operator in North Rhine-Westphalia, take a similar line to ANGA and generally support the position of the Commission in the opening decision.
    7. According to the report, there is no transfer of state resources because, in the end, there was no opening of a credit line or provision of a guarantee, which would have required authorisation by a finance act.
    8. This is in line with the opening decision where the Commission accepted the cash flow swap agreement and held that adjustments to valuation would be made by way of alteration to the guarantee fee.
    9. Member States may issue an authorisation to construct a direct line subject either to the refusal of system access on the basis, as appropriate, of Article 32 or to the opening of a dispute settlement procedure under Article 37.
    10. Thus, at the time of opening of the credit line, France Télécom's financial situation was such that no prudent investor would have carried out a transaction of this type.
    11. In line with the completion of the upgrading, there shall be a progressive opening of the Romanian secondary road network for vehicles in international traffic complying with the limit values of the Directive.
    12. The Slovene authorities consider that these articles were brought in line with the EC Treaty after the Commission's Opening Decision, and they therefore did not suspend their entering into force until the Commission's final approval.
    13. As stated in the opening Decision, and in line with the established practice of the Commission, it should be assessed whether the aid is necessary to undertake the training in question.
    14. KBC should therefore in line with point 4 of the Restructuring Communication and with point 55 of the IAC, as well as with its previous commitments mentioned in the opening Decision, undergo in-depth restructuring.
    15. In its opening decision, the Commission concluded that, provided the IBG Fund silent participations could be classified as debt instruments, they would be considered debt instruments in line with market conditions under the 1997 notice.